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Two-day short seminar - Scientific programming with Python

ForInter doctoral seminar

On January 27, 2020 and January 28, 2020, a two-day short seminar was held as part of the ForInter research network in Erlangen.

Max Mönch, owner of HexFourty, trained the scientists in scientific programming with Python.

The participants learned to deal with numerical data types such as vectors (arrays) and matrices and to read, manipulate (e.g. addition, summation, multiplication, delete / add rows / columns, linear regression) and visualize (with Matplotlib) scientific data. The basics for analyzing exploration data with pandas were explored too.

The participants received basic instruction and were able to train themselves in the individually arranged exercises.

In the future, the participants will link their programming knowledge with their research work and apply it particularly in the field of single cell sequencing.